Monday, February 20, 2012

Departure Day Drama

Backing up a few weeks, we were absolutely shocked to find out that we are expecting our 3rd child.

The first trimester is always very rough for me, so we were a little worried about me traveling and
being able actually stay awake during the trip.

The day before we left I had my first OB appointment.  (He wanted me to wait until 8 weeks to see him
since this is my 3rd pregnancy.)  Thankfully, all was well.  The baby looks great and I heard the heartbeat.  He prescribed me anti-nausea medication and gave me the thumbs up to head out of town.

I spent the rest of the morning packing and cleaning.  Belle was at school and Evie was down for a nap.
When I picked Evie up after her nap I noticed that she was burning up with fever.  Oh Dear!

With less than 24 hours until departure, a fever is not what we wanted to see.  I immediately called the pediatrician, but they could not get us in until first thing the next morning.

That night was very rough on Gregg and myself.  Evie slept in our room and was fussy with fever the whole night.

On departure day we were very exhausted.  Gregg had to head in to work for a while and we headed to the doctor.  He said that Evie had a virus and that he expected it to be gone within the next 24-48 hours.  We could treat her with Motrin and Tylenol and she would be fine to travel.

When we arrived home from our excursion, we put the finishing touches on Ariel and celebrated a bit.

I was feeling pretty rotten, but I did my best to get everything together, pack the van and clean the house a bit.

Gregg finally arrived home and at 4:30 pm, we hit the road....


Belle watched The Little Mermaid.

Evie enjoyed a snack.

I tried not to throw up.

And Gregg was thrilled to be driving away from town.

We arrived at my Granny's house a few hours later and were greeted with a delicious dinner-
fried chicken, creole Lima beans, macaroni and cheese and cornbread.  I ate my weight in mac&cheese (she makes THE BEST) and then we all got ready for bed.

Coming Soon:  Travel Day (more drama) and We've Arrived


  1. I'm so excited to read about your trip! Sorry about the departure day drama. I'm still so shocked that you're pregnant again. I remember you saying that you were definitely finished after Evie. :) I guess God thought differently!

  2. Can't wait to read about your trip! I can't wait to book Cole's first trip (hopefully this week). We are about 95% sure that we're staying at Port Orleans French Quarter. Whenever I think about this resort I always think of you! :) I hope that everyone is feeling better now.
