Life is a Highway
We visited Walt Disney World last April. It was Gregg's 3rd trip and Belle's 1st and I don't even count myself, because I spent the latter years of my teen life working for the mouse at MGM Studios. I am an old Disney pro....
I am a big chicken and wasn't ready to stick my baby girl on an airplane. This meant that we made the 14 hour drive to Orlando and stretched it out over 3 days. I wanted to take it slow...
We left on a Thursday evening and drove to Hattiesburg, Ms.
Shout-out to Foxy and Papa (my grandparents, who live in Start, La.)

On Friday, we woke up early and drove back into Louisiana (thanks to my awesome navigating skillz) and then headed back through Mississippi and finally into Alabama. Gregg and I both have such fond memories of driving through 'the tunnel'. Unfortunately, Belle slept through her first tunnel experience.