Monday, January 9, 2012

Counting Down by Weeks...

-We are less than a month out now, which is very exciting.

-The girl's Disney outfits came in and they are darling.  (There is an over abundance of preciousness when Evie is in her Minnie Mouse smock set.)

Upon showing the outfits to Belle, she reminded me again that she had a strict costumes-only policy on this trip.  She will have to make a few exceptions, I'm afraid.

-Speaking of Belle, there is a slight Lion King obsession going around our home.  All of her baby dolls have been renamed Giara, which is the name she thinks Simba and Nala named their cub.  I am also having to play the role of Simba/Scar/a hi-een-ya on demand.  And I'm pretty sure that I'm singing 'The Circle of Life' in my sleep.

-Our sweet friends Emiley and Lauren came to hang out and talk Disney with us.  Emiley even brought Belle a couple of Disney Park DVD's.

-Ariel is moving along nicely.  She turned into a human last week.

To Do List-

Make a trip folder and itinerary.  (I did not write down the times of a few ADR's.  Seriously???  I am totally off kilter this time around.)

Packing List

Decided how to pack for a baby.  (I am dreading this part!  HELP!!!)

Organize our car ride entertainment

Try to remain calm.

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