Monday was Magic Kingdom Day. We dressed up our Tinkerbell and were excited to hit the park. Our goal for the morning- the park opening show, Fantasyland rides and a visit to Pixie Hollow.
(Please notice Poodie the pink poodle. She is Belle's baby. There is a very special Disney moment starring Poodie coming in a later post...)

We love the opening show. Mickey and friends ride to the Magic Kingdom by train. There is music and confetti. It's a great way to start a Disney day. :)

Our first ride was 'It's a Small World..'. Belle liked it. She was beside herself when she saw that Poodie's mommy was part of the ride. (Remember that, too....)
I tried my best to talk her into riding Peter Pan's Flight (a favorite of mine and my mother's), but she knew that Captain Hook was lurking inside....

We tried The Teacups and they were a huge success!!!! As if you can't tell by the smile on her face. She was holding her arms above her head screaming 'weeeeeee!!!!'
We couldn't wait for our Tink to meet the real Tink. There wasn't much of a crowd and Pixie Hollow was a fairy short. (She totally snubbed the other fairy, by the way....) Because of the low crowd level we were able to spend a great deal of time with Tinkerbell. They even played a game of hide-n-seek.

There are lots of fun toddler-friendly areas in Mickey's Toontown (which is were you will find Pixie Hollow). We were not in super-tour-guide-mode so we just enjoyed our morning and let Belle play on the different playgrounds. We took a spin on Goofy's roller coaster (another big hit) and then started to make our way out of the park. Before leaving we rode Cinderella's Carousel (the favorite ride of the trip), met the real Fairy Godmother (Belle asked her for a real Cinderella dress) and bought a pack of sugar free suckers for a treat.

Belle LOVED the suckers. Her stomach absolutely did not. We would find that out later that evening during the parade. And again the next night.... It was not pretty.

We had a long afternoon with no plans ahead of us so we all took a nap and took a trip to the Riverside pool. We were beginning to fall in love with the Riverside Resort.

She wanted to get a suntan like mommy.
Gregg took Belle back to the room for another nap and I spent about an hour of pool time by myself. Ahhh.... The feeling of vacation was really starting to sink in.
In the evening we had dinner at my favorite restaurant on the planet, OHana. I've been eating at OHana since I was 14 years old. I LOVE IT!!!

My favorite food- OHana's pot stickers. I had to take a picture with them. There's no telling when I will taste of their perfection again.

After playing on the beach we went back to the Magic Kingdom to catch the parade. We snacked on popcorn, bought a light up toy (which is still played with... so very much worth the ridiculous price we paid for it) and visited with all of the families around us. Belle started having really bad stomach cramps so we booked it to the bathroom. I was nearly in tears by the time our bathroom experience was through. She was in so much pain and I was befuddled by what I found in the toilet. (Don't worry... I won't share details.) Another sweet mother was in the bathroom and said that her two girls had experienced the same thing in her first few days of vacation. Belle said she was feeling much better after the potty experience and wanted to stay for the parade.... so we did.

And I was in tears again by the end. Literally sobbing. I forgot all about the HUGE very real looking Ursala float when I parked my family on the front row for the parade. I remembered just as it started and there was no way for us to get out of there. We tried out best to hide her eyes, but she the teenagers behind us kept calling out the names of everyone in the parade. I also forgot about Snow White's step mother and the Red Queen from Alice and Wonderland. She was terrified. I felt like the worst parent on the planet. :( My heart was broken for putting her through that. Gregg left the park with two crying girls that night.
All in all it was a pretty good day. She loved Tinkerbell and the outside rides. Meeting the Fairy Godmother was a nice surprise. OHana was great. My favorite moment from the day was playing on the beach with my family at sunset.... with Cinderella's Castle in the distance. Sigh....
Disney World.... we miss you!!!!
Oh Boy! We gave Blake some sugar free candy on our last trip. My husband took him to the bathroom and came back thinking he needed to go to the emergency room. It was bad! If you look on the package is says something along the lines of "could cause diarrhea". Never again!