Our 2nd to last day! I'm sad just writing about it!
The only plan we had for Day 6 was a special birthday dinner for Belle. Since it was officially her birthday-eve, we let her choose. She hadn't had a chance to wear her Mulan costume yet so she chose to dress up like my favorite princess and go to China to hang out with her again.
One of my very favorite pictures from our trip!
(Notice Eyeore was invited that day...)

It was late in the morning so we decided to head to The Land to pick up fast passes for Soarin' and to ride Living with the Land.
We begged Belle to ride Living with the Land. It's a semi-boring ride about taking care of 'the land''/the Earth.
She protested the ride. She told us that there would be alligators. We assured her there would not be.
Well, guess what?
The very first scene we entered was chalk full of nasty looking Nile crocodiles. Awesome! Gregg and I looked at each other and agreed that Disney loves alligators way too much.
I do love the inside of The Land Pavilion.

We also found Tinkerbell's Fairy Garden. It was beautiful!

We took a potty break and I snapped a really cute picture of my girl. (BTW... pre-parenting I thought the backpack leashes were cruel, but Belle actually loved her monkey during the trip. She would ask to wear it.)

We wasted time by watching the movie in the China Pavilion and it was great! A first for us all.
After the movie, Mulan was out and waiting....
She loved seeing a little girl dressed just like her.

Poodie Drama: A Happy Ending
When we returned to the room that afternoon, Poodie had come home! We were thrilled!
Poodie and Eyeore fell in love right away. They are still best friends to this day.
That night was Belle's birthday dinner. The location was a surprise for her.

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